Saturday, October 10, 2009
What Happen To Me?????
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Decemder 21, 2012 and the Bible
- 911 incident
- Sadam Hussien's death
- 1981-HIV
- 2002-SARS
- 2004-Indian Ocean Tsunami
- Possible from TV and internet since 1991
- Possible from 1977. Satellite TV allows live observation of events
- 2004 Microchip which can be implanted
- Jews exiled to all the kingdoms of the earth. (that's why manny well known, rich, n super smart people in this world r Jewist, such as: Bill Gates. Eventhough the US government r strongly control by Jewist.)
- Return of Jews to Israel.
If year 2012 is really the year that god gonna say bye bye to our earth..
means we left not much time to live in this world...
So, start from now pls appreciate ur love 1
If we appreciate our love 1 every moment untill the end of the day
then "the end of the day aint the end of the day for us"
coz we have done what we should done...

Sunday, September 13, 2009
The DRUNK night!!!


That nite after going back home i was SO DRUNK untill i was sleeping in my toilet...
He forced me to DRINK n DRINK n DRINK untill my mom also cant reconize me.. >.<.. hahah joking joking!!
all of us had cakes and cream on our whole body accept JOVY.. She's so lucky know how to hide from us... but next time she wont be so lucky anymore especially on 18 Feb next year.. WAKAKAKA!!
Oya.. thx a lot to MOLLY for explaining to my mom!! hehe!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
H1N1 making my holiday WORST!!!

H1N1 just SCREW my wonderful plan up!!!!!
my mom stop me going with my friends to Pulau Redang n stop me from going into cinema (coz cinema got high chances to get H1N1.. Damn It!!).... T_T
im just facebook-ing n facebook-ing at home.... *sigh*
Friday, August 7, 2009
Rest time... cam whore-ing

Sure u guys think im SOT d...
coz im really
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Bad news for all TVXQ fans including me.. T.T
The press release issued by the lawyers said that the group was subject to grueling schedule since their debut in 2004, shuttling between Japan, China and Korea with very little rest (OMG!!! SM got to be killing them). They can’t get out of this predicament, because they essentially belong to SM Entertainment for 13 years, 15 years if military services are included (no wonder korean star suicided cases keep on happening). The members were also given only 0.4 to 1% of total album sales (hell!! they work so hard to get this kind of return?? they r like not earning from every cd that been sold, they r like earning the sticker or plastic on the cd cover.. 0.4 to 1%???) . Before the contract revision in February, they were promised only 10 million won each if the previous album sold more than 500 thousand copies.
The fans of TVXQ have been in a state of panic ever since the news of a possible breakup made the headlines. Despite the provisional disposition to terminate the contracts, however, the remaining two members – U-Know Yun-ho and Max Chang-min – and the agency both said that the band would continue performing and it would not disband (HOPE SO!!!).
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Good & bad experience
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tagged by our class monitor, CHII MIN..
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?:
hope the time stop running so that i can sleeeeeeeeep again n again...
3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?:
erm... my college classmates (when we were sing k-ing)
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?:
right now.. Yea!!!
5. Will you ever donate blood?:
ya.. hope to try.. but too skiny..
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?:
Ya... person who tagged me is one of my best friend oso..
7. Do you want someone to be dead?:
No... Never... even the person i hate the most, i will not want him or her to dead coz it is really hurt the person who care them...
8. What does your last text message say?:
Aiya.. then nvm lo.. next time yam cha ur wan.. haha
9. What are u thinking right now?:
Question in this tag.. LOL
10. Do you want someone to be with you now?:
Ya.. all my best friend.. Sheen, ben, tick hoong, JY, Chii Min, Swee, Ren Lin, Sik Yi, Jolene, Ning, Ying,Kartini,Darvin, Hui, Kai xiong, wah wah, boon wai long, Zheng yi, all the BAK BAK FAMILY(college friend), eugene, bi shen, all Sabah friend, kar kiat, min kuan, Jackson ........ many many many many more...
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?:
4am mornig... was doing assignment...
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?:
im wearing my skin in my room.. is from my mom...
13. Is someone on your mind right now?:
M.Jackson.. wonderful men gone to havent too early.. pity his children
14. Who was the last person who text you?:
Kar Yin...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Transfomer 2

There are no information yet is Michael Bay will be the director or stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox are set to return. However, LaBeouf says that the Transformers 3 the movie will be darker and he’ll be back to make it.
at last... YAY!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A word "Sorry" Form My Heart
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Best Blogger Award
Haha.. not bad huh... maybe i can come out with this idea
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Very The Boring Holiday.....
Friday, April 17, 2009
The horror killing movie..
Maxis broadband, the fastest DISCONNECTION speed ever.. CONGRATE THEM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Yuen Sheen the SK2 SAKAI BEE..
2. Your relationship with him/her-
good friend, secondary schoolmate, although is been 2 years not studying together but still will hang out some times.. n also friend 4ever...
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her-
-SK2 (coz no i dea how fair she wan to become..)
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
wrote time table for me.. create the name "plastic surgery" for me...
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
"plastic surgery" (this is wat she telling me the most)
6. If he/she become your lover you will-
no outdoor game... no sunny place.. hide from the sun... DRACULA LIFE...
eat more..
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will-
tie her up under hot sun or bring her to Africa...
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be-
tell her her real parents are African..
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now-
go pasar malam find DIGIVICE for her..
11. Your overall impression of him/her is-
Independent lo....
12. How would you think people around you will feel about you?
skiny, dark, not so good looking gua...
13. The characters you love of yourself-
14.On the contrary, the characters that you hate about yourself-
15. The most ideal person you want to be is-
combination of U-know from TVXQ and Yamapi from NEWS... haha.. only happen in my dream..
16. For people who care and love you, say something to them.-
love u all.... fren 4ever...
17. Pass this test to 10 persons who you wished to know how they feel about you.
1. Sheen.
2. Soo Lee
3. Melanie
4. Rachel
5. Jolene
6. Ben
7. Kian Yip
8. Xing Ning
9. Yi Mun
10. Li Chuan
18. Who is no. 6?
one of my best friend... buy cd together n hang out together... funny guy...
19. Is no. 9 a male or female?-
20. If no. 7 and no.10 together, is that a good thing?-
i thing so....
21. What is no. 2 studying about?-
Diploma in Business
22. When is the last time u had a chat with no. 3?-
last week in MSN..
23.What kind of music band does no. 8 like?music band..?-
Jay Chou gua..
24. Does no. 1 have any siblings?-
2 younger sister and one eldest brother
25. Will you woo no. 3?-
yes, if i like her... no, if i don like her.. haha... maybe gua..
26. How about no. 7?
im not gay.. so i wont
27. Is no. 4 single?-
think so.. coz she is so busy.. i think she don have the time...
28. What is the surname of no.5?-
29. What is the hobby of no. 10?-
haha.. dono
30. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?-
i think they r not so close...
31. Where is no. 2 studying at?-
Metro Politan College
32. Talk something casually about no. 1-
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 6?-
NO.... im not a gay..
34. Where does no. 9 live at?-
35. What colour does no.4 like?-
white.. i think so...
36. Are no. 5 and 1 best friends?-
not really
37. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?-
haha... dono... coz he never show his sexiness..
38. What is no. 6 doing now?-
Same course.. same clollege with me...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
BIG Ning.. not a little girl anymore..
Few years ago she was still a little girl with a chilldish look(hahahaha) and also look sleepy everytime i saw her in high school. We were studying in the same class for 2 years (form 4 & form 5).. erm.. always playing around and also pinched by her few times (I've no idea why guys who are kind like me always bully by girl like them)... haha... she always say herself is a SUPER PORK CHOP... after i saw her wedding photos i feel so happy for her coz she is not a SUPER PORK CHOP anymore (but does'nt mean that i tot she was a SUPER PORK CHOP). although she's 1 year younger than me, but i feel that she will be mature than me and start taking the responsibility of taking care of her family (especially her little buddy who are coming soon few months more).. i hope she can do all the best in her life and wish her happily ever after!!!!